# About Me!

Hi, I am Animesh Ghosh. A web developer who frequently writes good software and occasionally writes tests (I am trying to get into writing automated tests more).

Checkout my GitHub (opens new window) and LinkedIn (opens new window) profiles.

# Hard Skills

  1. Ruby (2.7.x)
  2. Elixir
  3. Python (3.6)
  4. PHP (7.x)
  5. JavaScript
  6. SQL
  7. HTML5
  8. CSS3
  9. C++ (C++11)

# Frameworks

  1. Ruby on Rails (6.1.x, 7.0.x)
  2. Laravel (5.x, 8.x)
  3. Django 2
  4. Flask
  5. React 17
  6. Vue.js 2

# Tools I Use

  1. Sublime Text 3
  2. Vim/NeoVim
  3. scoop (opens new window)

# Soft Skills

  • Detail-oriented
  • Prudent